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Published on 16th February, 2021

Name: Chloë Warren
Job Title: Event and Catering Co-ordinator
Team / Department: Event Team

First and foremost, which do you prefer – Tea or Coffee?

What is your favourite event on the Showground?
I absolutely love it when we have events like NASS and Westfest here as the production fascinates me. I also love Craft 4 Crafters as I enjoy making things in my spare time and always spend far too much money when they are here!

What would be your desert island disc?
Reflektor by Arcade Fire. I could listen to that album all day!

Any Hobbies?
Too many! I love music and write and perform as a singer/songwriter and keyboard player in my free time. I also love reading and collecting books, particularly classic literature, writing poetry, walking, photography, Needle Felting and lockdown also drove me to start knitting too!

Favourite thing about working at the Bath & West?
The team! Everyone is genuinely so lovey which makes coming to work an absolute pleasure.

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